Ming Chhech, like in most of the families we help, has decided to keep her old hut for cooking and storage. Nothing is wasted out there!

This is where Ming Cchech used to live, but in 2017 we used $1000 of your donations to change her life and that of her children.


Ming Cchech's Story:

Ming Cchech is 29 years old and she has 3 children: a boy who is 7, a girl who is 4 and a baby who is 10 months. 

The woman is not regularly married but she lived with a man from whom she's had the first two children. Then the man left her for another woman. After a few years, he came back and lived with Ming Cchech again. However, after some months, he left her again when he knew she was pregnant . So she is now alone with the 3 children and lives near her 'mother in law'. Along with her children, she shares what used to be the outside kitchen of her parents-in-law.
AKUN Board decided to give this single mum and her kids a better life by building them, thanks to your donations, a decent home. Ming Cchech got her house built on a piece of land donated by her father and stepmother. They signed a paper declaring that they gave the portion of land to her and that they will not have any claim on that land nor the house.




Her new home gave her back some dignity, a higher chance of survival for her baby and a better future for her children. She is also now part of a community who noticed she was struggling, cared and helped her. So now, she is not as lonely and has hope in life! Thanks to you.