After you have read our selection process and criteria, if you have a project that might be of interest to us, please email us:
AKUN is a non profit corporation registered in the State of Alaska, USA
We are a 501c3 public charity and therefore tax-exempt.
This means that we do not pay tax on your donations and you can make a tax deductible donation to AKUN (applies to US tax only).
Mission Specific. The Board seeks to apply funds to those in desperate situations and personal crisis worldwide, by providing shelter, food, education and hope.
Geography. The Board focuses its giving in Cambodia right now because this is where we have the most experience.
Urgency of Need. The Board favors projects where the need is time-sensitive and is evident to the community served, and where a large area or number of people will benefit.
Lasting Impact. The Board favors initiatives with measurable, significant, and lasting impact.
Specific and Focused. The Board funds specific needs to achieve a specific objective. We focus on small scale projects, particularly where there is no other resort for the individuals/group to turn to.
Likelihood of Success. The Board looks for well conceived and researched projects with specific and well defined outcome(s). A logical implementation plan, with a realistic and appropriately detailed supporting budget, appropriate, realistic timeframes, multiple sources of funding for the undertaking, and the credibility of the individual or organization are important elements in evaluating the proposal.
Proportional and Appropriated. The Board expects the dollar amount requested to be in proportion to size of the project, the size of the organization, and to the Fund.
Well Leveraged. The Board looks favorably on organizations/individuals/groups that can secure funding from multiple sources to achieve their objectives. However, in cases of desperate situations, we understand that we might be the only source of funding.
Community Support. The Board looks favorably for projects that will serve a whole family or even a whole community.
Soundness of Organization. If the project is through an established organization, the Board favors supporting transparently managed organizations with good oversight and relatively low administration and other overhead expenses.
Please note:
AKUN does not fund the following type of projects:
Projects that do not clearly further our exempt purposes
Projects pursuing political objectives
Projects in places or with groups sanctioned by the OFAC
Our Board of Directors takes into account the relevance of the project with respect to our objectives, our areas of focus, and our geographical and thematic priorities. The primordial questions that need to be answered about a project are:
Does it fall into our mission?
Does it further our exempt status?
Can we verify the validity of the project and the authenticity of the individuals involved?
Can we ensure that we can stay in control of our funds and their distribution?
Will we have the adequate reporting system during and after the project to feedback our donors?
Upon a positive outcome, AKUN gets in touch with the successful applicant to work out the practicalities of the project.
We want to be transparent to our donors. Click on any of our documents below to view it: